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Journal of Practical Social Psychology

Organizer Rose Scientific Publication, Melbourne, Australia
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Journal of Practical Social Psychology (Abbreviation: JPSP) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed open-access journal (OAJ) with a wide-ranging coverage, including research activities in Social Psychology into a unique reference source. The Journal of Practical Social Psychology is free of charge. Journal of Practical Social Psychology is a "Bimonthly" (Six times a year) publication journal, which publishes original research articles, review papers, short communications, letter to editor, and authors response to letters to editor across the fields. Journal of Practical Social Psychology is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC- By 4.0). Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and make derivative works only if they cite the original published Journal of Practical Social Psychology article.

Clinical Relationship between Hypothyroidism and Sight Threatening Diabetic Retinopathy in Diabetic Patients
Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Human Resource Management on Banking and Financial Institutes
Investigation of The Electromagnetic Force Effect in N/MEMS Switch by Homotopy Perturbation Method
Implantable MEMS Capacitive Pressure Sensor for Intraocular Pressure Measurement
Novel optical MEMS FTIR, based on Bragg grating structure.
The Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling on the Quality of Life in Postmenopausal Women
The Investigation of the Effect of Group Cognitive-behavioral Counseling on Stress and Anxiety in Menopausal Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial
How does the present interpretation of mindfulness (Sati) in modern psychology differ from its original function in ancient teachings?
The effect of pain relievers on brain activity and human emotion
A Short Review of the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Students Academic Performance
Investigate the relationship between knowledge flow based on author, article and time
Ethnic heterogeneity study in the Iranian cultural society, Challenges and Opportunities
The Interplay of Socio-economic Status and Grade Point Averages among Iranian EFL University Students
Learning management based on Metacognition
The Effect of Cognitive Interventions with drug control on Emotional-Behavioral Problems in Adolescents
The Relationship between Meaning in Life, Differentiation of Self and Purpose in Life in Students with Symptoms of Depression
Investigations of public trust in the private healthcare system in Tabriz, Iran
The effect of preconception counseling on health locus of control in Iranian women: a randomized
Correlation between clinical psychiatric symptoms and contents of answers to Thematic Apperception Test among elder population with and without clinical diagnosis
The Relationship between Personality Characteristics and Marital Satisfaction: Mediating Positive and Negative Affects in Married Women
Do Emotional and Psychological Factors Affect Teachers’ Burnout?
Training Factors and Individual Characteristics: A Literature Review
A Short Review of the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Students' Academic Performance
The Impact of the Role of Psychological Needs and Perfectionism on Cosmetic Surgery
Assessment of Parents’ emotional intelligence and Anxiety of Kids
Evaluation of Well-Being Factors Among the Parents of Normal and ODD Children
The Descriptive Evaluation of different Life Quality of Normal Women and Violence Affected Women
The relation between personality psychology and communication for marital satisfaction
The Correlation between Personality Characteristics and the Life Expectancy among Teachers
The effect of music therapy on improving the performance of autistic children, systematic review
Assessment of cognitive function in patients with cerebral malaria
The Relationship Between Coping Strategies and Mental Health with Marital Adjustment
Creativity in Translation
The Therapist’s Effect in Cognitive - Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder
The self-esteem and mental ability on academic performance of Iranian students with absentee parents
Evaluation of Sexual Function and Sexual Satisfaction after Laparoscopic Surgery in Women Suffering from Endometriosis
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Savasana (Yoga Relaxation) on Nurses' Mental Health and Hope
The Evaluation of Savasana (Yoga Relaxation) on Mental Health and Happiness of Nurses
Investigating the psychological characteristics of new students in universities and their anxiety
Study of children with autism in the ability to see abstract objects
The Effect of Psychology in Human Resources Management and Supply
The Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Hardiness to Life Expectancy (Case Study: Psychology Students of Islamic Azad University, Sirjan)
The relationship between positive psychological characteristics or health anxiety among middle-aged people
The Survey of Impact of entrepreneurial Courses on Intention and Psychological Characteristics of Physical Education Students(A Case Study of Iranian Universities)
Psychological rehabilitation in terms of anxiety and hopelessness in addicts during treatment period: a positive approach
The relationship between self-efficacy and locus of control and mental health among psychology students
The Effect of Environmental Psychology on the Design of Educational Spaces
Identity, Self and Evaluative Dispositions in EFL Contexts: Towards a Developmental Socio-cognitive Psychology
Psychological Factors Affecting EFL Learners Speaking Performance in ELT Context in Iran: A Qualitative Study
Innovative Atmosphere Relating to Success Factors of Entrepreneurial Managers in the Organization Agility: (Industrial and organizational psychology approach)
The scrutinising of seating positions In terms of Ecological Psychology (The sample of Iran-Tabriz Elgoli Park)
Psychology of Addicts and Preventing the Recurrence of Addiction
Recent developments in the psychological treatment of OCD: A review article
Examining the relationship between psychological security, emotional maturity, and attachment styles and marital adjustment
The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) as a screening instrument: a study of Iranian university students
Analysis and investigation of psychology principles in helping the process of managers management improvement
Environmental Psychology in Surroundings and Urban Environments
The Role of General English Proficiency in the English for Specific Purpose Courses: A Case of Graduate Students of Psychology
Segmentation and Routing of Iranian Translator Training Procedures in the field of psychology
How Technology -Based Learning Environment Increases Students Achievement (case study ;students in Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at University of Tehran)
Towards social intelligent machines by the help of cognitive psychology
An Introduction to Creativity Psychology in Religious Art
Temporomandibular joint disorders and anxiety, an important psychological health determinant
Evaluating Teachers Burnout through the Lens of Emotional Intelligence and Positive Psychological Capital: Is it Predictable?
Psychology, a new knowledge environment in architecture and todays urbanization
Do Emotional and Psychological Factors Affect Teachers Burnout?
The Detection of Mental Illnesses in Pinter’s The Caretaker: Psychological and physical (Davies vs. Aston)
Iranian EFL Learners Educational Psychology in English Language Contexts
Studying the Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Job Satisfaction of Employees in Iran Khodro Axel Manufacturing Company
Deliberation of aesthetic aspects of illumination by daylight with environmental psychology approach
Genre Analysis of ELT and Psychological Academic Written Discourse Through Introduction
Study on the psychology of children's brain development
The Ethics of Finitude and the Reconciliation of Eros and Thanatos Clarissa's Psychological Transition from Denial to Acceptance of her Instinctive Drives in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway
The effect of environmental psychology in improving the quality of urban rivers edge

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