Effect of Ethrel and Silicon on Popcorn (Zea mays ssp. everta) yield under Deficit Irrigation at vegetative growth stage

Received: 24 April 2021
Revised: 26 May 2021
Accepted: 27 June 2021

Ali H. Jasim, Sarmad Faisal Iedan

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A field experiment was carried out in private field ( Abu-Gharaq ,10 km west of Hilla city) during the autumn season of 2015 in silt clay loam soil, to study the effect of ethrel and silicon on popcorn yield at deficit irrigation. Split- split- plot arrangement in randomized complete block design with three replications was used, in which irrigation treatments a1 and a2 (full irrigation and deficit irrigation at the 8-leaf stage, respectively) operated the main plot , while ethrel levels: b0, B1 and b2 (without spray, 0.75 and 1.5 ml.L-1 ,respectively) operated sub-plots and silicon levels : c0 ,c1 and c2 (without spray, 0.1 and 0.01 mM, respectively) operated sub-sub-plots. Popcorn seed (surur var.) was planting in 24/7/2015 on ridges 75 cm apart and 20 cm between hills. The results showed that deficit irrigation reduced significantly of ear row number, grain number per row, 300 grain weight, grain yield ,and HI%). Spraying of b1 (Ethrel at 0.75 ml.L-1) was superior significantly in ear row number, grain number per row , total grain yield ,and HI%). On the other hand, Spray c1 (Silicon at 0.1 mM) was superior significantly in ear number per plant , row number per ear , grain number per row, the weight of 300 grain , total grain yield ,and HI%. The interaction between the factors had significant effect in most studied characteristics.

Keywords: maize, ethrel, silicon, deficit irrigation.


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