Towards social intelligent machines by the help of cognitive psychology

Received: 19 April 2020
Accepted: 23 May 2020
Published: 14 June 2020

Abolfazl Qiyasi Moghadam, Mehdi Imani


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Systems that benefit from high recognition can possible a lot of works. Research on cognition levels and developing them in cognition systems cause optimization, increase their power in decisions, prevention from wasting time and increase speed in performance of mental systems that based on cognition. AI has greatly improved with the study in this fields and also AI able to increase its knowledge and cognition in cognitive psychology science. The purpose of AI was to develop the artificial intelligence systems by both the perception and understanding power and operation power with utilization from mental models and human cognition. According to the study, AI systems have to interpret processes and solve the problems and deadlocks in the fastest way that is possible which is in need of high cognition. Achieving to high cognition in mental systems require study and deep research in human mind. This paper provides new ways to develop the cognition of mental systems and take benefit of the human mental methods for them by using cognitive sciences and mental models. Our research shows that how an intelligent machine can solve a problem by its cognition base. Also we define and describe methods for machine to be emotional and understand situations. The study shows that a creative and social intelligent machine could be found in human mental processes and brain of a machine needs more from human mind.

Keywords: Cognitive Systems; Cognitive Psychology; Mental Model; AI.


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